Dear Mary,
My, o my! What has happened this week? Let me start with the temple trip! Well... Let me start before that! I went on the computer to see if you had sent any girl names, but I couldn't find any. It was the day before the temple trip, and I did not want to turn up empty handed to the sisters that I asked to help me. So the persistent me came out and I told myself that I would stay there for half an hour looking for enough girl names for the sisters. When I pulled up the family tree fan, I got the impression that there were people in there ready to be printed out. So I started clicking around where I felt prompted, and after I found the first female name that was ready, I got so excited and continued looking! I looked until I felt that I had found all the ladies that were ready at this time. At one point, I felt bad for not being outside doing missionary work, but I heard this voice telling me to calm down and that I was doing missionary work right then too! That I was bringing my family closer to Christ, and that's a very important thing to do! So I felt better after that!
We had enough names for every single missionary in our zone, plus a few drivers! 23 of our ancestors got to receive their endowments that day! I could just feel how happy they all were! I could feel that Granddad was very pleased :) One of the sisters came up to me in the celestial room and told me that she felt very close to that ancestor that she had taken through for us, and that she felt happy :) I believe she took Alice Jones through... I can't remember the last name, but I know the first name was Alice! :)
This is super funny! I was praying about which of the male names were the most ready, and I felt that George Henry Wockenfuss was requesting one of the Zone Leaders to do his temple work, because he had listened to several of the lessons he taught, and it really affected him. I thought that was interesting, and I wondered why he didn't sit in on my lessons. Then I'm pretty sure I felt him say: "Son, I've seen you teach, and you're wonderful! You're outstanding! I just can't understand you because your lessons are in Spanish!" I just laughed at that!
At the Deseret Book store near the temple, I bought the new Christmas album from GENTRI and the Alex Boye African gospel inspirations album, and they sound awesome!! I can't wait to show you guys! :D I also got my name engraved on my mini Spanish scriptures! It looks pretty cool!
I did the second segment of the "My Plan" program this week, where I had to set goals for the future, well, for the next year to be specific haha I'm still refining my plans and goals, but I'm writing a bunch of things that I want to have accomplished by next October! Maybe next week I'll have a more firm plan of what I want to do! I'm super excited though! It's teaching me to make plans, and then to set specific goals to accomplish those things! I'm excited to get to work on them!
I really hope that Pathway can get started in Arkansas! That's part of what I'm planning on doing! If not, I'll figure out something!
Yesterday, our investigator Richard came to church for the first time!! :D We were super happy about that! He loved it! He said that the people were so welcoming and friendly! All the members seemed very happy to meet him and they offered their help in teaching him and with anything else that we need! He's trying to find evidence or a sign that God is real, and he's slowing getting there! We hope and pray that before I leave, that he'll find his answer! We tell him that as he continues to read the Book of Mormon, Pray, and come to Church, that he will receive his answer. :)
I went on exchanges this week with Elder Hadfield! He's a really good missionary! We weren't able to teach anyone, but we did our best and had a blast as we went! A lot of times, the YSA elders and sisters go the college nearby and have a little booth set up that they sit at few a for hours and talk to people. This time, Elder Hadfield had finished a poster board for the booth, and it went so much better than all the other times that I've been there on exchanges! More people took notice, more people stopped and asked questions, and we passed out more materials! So it was a great deal more successful thanks to Elder Hadfield's genius! :) We also made cookies that night to bring to district meeting! It was Elder Hadfield's first time making cookies, so I helped him out as best I could, and it was a fun time!
I think that's pretty much it that I can remember for this week! Personally, I'm doing really well! I'm not down in the dumps, I'm working hard and happy for the future! :) Is there anything else I can pray for ya'll about?
Write when you can, I love hearing from you!
6 more weeks!.... isn't that weird to think about??
With much love,
Elder Patrick Wockenfuss
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Our Elder at the San Diego temple |
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Elder Wockenfuss and Elder Sedgwick |
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Wockenfuss and Sedgwick with Hermanas Adams and Parris |
This is so awesome. I love hearing about your adventures :)