Dear Mom,
Yesterday, was not all that bad honestly! The hermanas in my district were praying for me in the days leading up to yesterday, so it really wasn't that bad. I thought it was gonna be worse, but I felt just so much peace that day, it was wonderful! Thank you for asking the sisters to get me Dove chocolates, it meant a lot! I was having some bad flashbacks [of dad's illness and death eleven years ago] in the days leading up to yesterday, but what I found was wonderful, was that my district was so kind, supportive, and caring about the whole thing. They did what they could to keep my spirits up, and to keep me happy. I truly feel like our district is a family!
So, yesterday, I got to go to the baptism of the son (Johnathon) of one of my recent converts in Escondido. He actually wanted me to baptize him, so I did. I had no idea what kind of effect I had on this young man and the ward there, until I went back yesterday. Johnathon was so happy to see me! He even came up and hugged me! When he saw me enter the room after getting dressed in my baptismal suit, he had the biggest smile on his face, and he left his mom's side to come sit by me. It truly was an honor to go back and baptize him.
Also, many many members there actually remembered my name and could pronounce it! It's not everyday that 10-15 Hispanics in the same room can remember and say "Wockenfuss"!
If nothing else happens on my mission, I will feel successful because I know that I made an effect on Johnathon and his family, and because I made the decision to come on my mission, they will soon be sealed in the temple for eternity. To me, that is fulfillment of D&C 18:15-16
And if it so be that you should labor all your days in crying repentance unto this people, and bring, save it be one soul unto me, how great shall be your joy with him in the kingdom of my Father!
And now, if your joy will be great with one soul that you have brought unto me into the kingdom of my Father, how great will be your joy if you should bring many souls unto me!
And right now, my joy is indeed great! That is worth all the rough times!
Emerick and I are staying together for another transfer in Vista! Hermana Terron is training just after being trained by Hermana Young! We are so excited and proud of her! Hermana Young is going to Oceanside. It's not too far. It was expected that she was going to leave, since she finished hermana terron's training.
I LOVED the package with the jones soda!! I was super happy! :D
Please continue to write and email when you can, I love hearing from you!
With much love,
Elder Patrick Wockenfuss
Here's some pics! Emerick and I hugged a tree just for funsies... and we were bored haha a couple days later, we were like "why did we do that?" haha
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Elder Tree-Hugger Wockenfuss |
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Elder Tree-Hugger Emerick |
and here's Johnathon and I. I gave him one of my favorite ties, to remember me by :) I'm also going back on Sunday to confirm him :)
This is a pic that Hermana Kasen drew for me after some rough flashbacks came [of dad's illness and death]. She draws so well!! It's pretty awesome!
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