Nicknames given to Elder Wockenfuss during his mission so far, and revealed to us during yesterday's Mother's Day Skype:
- Elder We're Confused
- Elder Carra Caminar (walk run) because Wockenfuss sounded like Walking Fast
*Note: Elder Wockenfuss' new companion is Elder Martin
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Skyping from Bishop Parra's house |
My Dear Family,
Yes you are very right, I am crying about Grams right now as I type. She was very much another Grandmother to me, and I loved her like that too! I'm sad to hear that she's gone physically, but I know she is in a better place with those loved ones that passed on before her. I am gonna miss our "sainted" Grams. But that's one thing I love about God's Plan of Salvation, We don't have to consider death as the end of life. It continues onward. We no longer have to see death as if we will never see our loved ones again, but we will see them again in a glorious reunion one day, and we will be with them forever, never to be separated again. I am so grateful that Joseph Smith had a question in his heart that he wanted answered. And I am so grateful, and I know, that through him, God restored His church and the fullness of the Gospel of Jesus Christ again to the earth. With the Gospel in our lives, we can return to God. With it, we can truly live again with our families forever. This is one of the many reasons why I know that this Gospel is true, and that it's fullness is found in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I will miss you, Grams! I can't wait to see you again!
And so, I am glad you all still chuckle about my nicknames, I know I always do! haha
Last night, Elder Martin and I picked up a new investigator! Her name is Leslie, and we went to visit her mom who is a less active member, and we ended up teaching Leslie about the Restoration! We're gonna go back tonight to teach her some more! :D I love it when this happens!
Thank you so much for Skyping with me yesterday! It meant so much to me! I've been filled with so much peace ever since. I think I just needed you all to tell me that I was a good missionary. I've been too hard on myself, I think, and telling myself I'm not good enough, and even though others tell me that I am a good missionary, I needed my own family to tell me, because I've felt so good inside ever since yesterday's Skype, and I really believe that I'm a good missionary! so thank you so much!
Please continue to write and email when you can! It means the world to me!
With much love,
Elder Patrick Wockenfuss
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