Monday, May 17, 2010

What am I doing here?

I want to read the Doctrine and Covenants this Summer before Seminary so that I can have a feel for it. I also want to memorize the 5-looooong verses of the Joseph Smith History Scripture Mastery. 
The purpose of this blog is to record my thoughts about what I've read and to report my progress on the Scripture Mastery.

Joseph Smith history S.M. report:
"After I had retired...."


  1. Patrick, I am totally looking forward to reading this blog! Perfect choice for the title, too. :-D Somehow I managed to miss this background. It would have been a good one for the Institute blog.

    Looking forward to what you learn!! And I'm already a follower. :-D

  2. Good Start to your scripture mastery patrick! WE have your raman noodles ready BTW. ☺

  3. Thanks! I'm looking forward to those noodles.

  4. your awesome patrick! thanks for your sweet example and faith :)
