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Elder Wockenfuss with President and Sister Kendrick |
My Dearest Family,
So it turns out I do have a time limit on emailing each week here in the mission field, and actually on this computer I'm using too haha but it's all good! it'll teach me to type fast!
Thank you so much for the pictures! It really means a lot to me!
That's so cool that Katie is opening up more now in talking to this missionary!
I have had to use some of my money as I went from Mexico to California to pay for baggage fees and to buy some food, just to let you know.
The mission field is different, but great! I love it out here! I've been assigned to the El Norte Ward of Escondido. It's really great here! I love the people so much, even though I can't understand them. They always smile, and you can tell they have such a great testimony of the gospel, it's incredible!
The weather is pretty hot out here, probably hotter than Arkansas right now, which is crazy to believe, but true haha
My first Sunday here was really cool because it was Stake Conference, and Elder Nelson of the twelve was actually there! And my companion got to translate for him! So that was super cool! We didn't get to meet him or shake hands with him, but it was still cool to see him there!
My companion's name is Elder Garcia, and he's such a great guy! We're getting along really well! He actually spoke both English and Spanish in his home growing up, so Spanish is super easy for him.
We have got to do some teaching this week, not a ton, but we have been able to see several people and teach them. Most of the lessons have been in English so far, because the people that we've been able to see speak both English and Spanish, and I guess they wanted to be taught in English, so that's what we've been doing with them. We have taught one or two lessons in spanish so far, but my Spanish is pretty bad in comparison, and I can't understand anything that's going on. I can catch onto a couple of words, but very few and far between, so it's a bit of a struggle right now, but I'm gonna do my best to continue learning and teaching.
I did get the packages that you sent me, they were amazing!! :D My companion and I love it all! especially the jalapeno potato chips! (Do you think you could possibly send us some more? ;) ) I had my bedding provided for me, which is great! I use the InTune in addition to my meds. Thank you so much for this next package that's coming too! I'm excited to get it!
I can't say much more right now, because I have about 10 minutes left and I still have to write sister MacNeil.
I love you all so much!! Please continue to write, send pics, and email. I love seeing them!
With much love,
With much love,
Elder Wockenfuss
(a few minutes later)
I was able to get a tiny bit more time. BTW Yesterday, I actually rode the most haggard, janky bike I've seen in my life! The seat was old and rusty ish and super high and uncomfy, the front brakes were completely shot, and there was only half of one of the brakes actually on the back (so basically not even there). So I rode through town on the edge of glory haha I actually destroyed part of my shoe trying to stop myself from smashing into my companion on that bike! Like the front of the sole is not even attached anymore! so I bought some super glue, and we'll what happens with that. So that's my crazy experience for the week!
hey mom, can you send me my other pairs of church shoes? Pretty please and thanks? haha
The members feed us almost every single night, so I don't go hungry at all! It's super great to get to meet the members that way! The food is incredible! I know the best cooks live in Morrilton Ward, but I think these members here in Escondido got lost on their to Morrilton, Arkansas :P
With Love, and a broken shoe,
Elder Patrick Wockenfuss